Wednesday, July 12, 2006

el santuaria de chimayo -6/19/06

el santuaria de chimayo is considered the little LOURDES of america, a place where people make pilgrimages in the spring, often on foot. it is here that miracles are said to be performed. the first miracle performed must be in just getting there. the chapel in literally in the middle of nowhere on a back road between santa fe and taos. (click on this link and it will tell the history behind the miracle of the chapel:

it was very quiet there, and very spiritual. when we first pulled up, there was a horse next to the parking lot rubbing his head against a sign that said " this is a sacred place. please respect other visitors' devotions." when we returned, he was still scratching his head, still in the same place!

as you walk up behind the chapel, you are struck by all of the things left behind by previous visitors. there many little crosses made of stick stuck along a fence by the creek that runs behind the church. there are many altars and a row of crosses made from what looked like river stone.

the chapel itself is very small. behind the altar is a small room with a dirt floor. in the center of the floor is a hole and a small shovel. those making the pilgrimage to chimayo are welcome to take home dirt from the chapel, as it is what apparently causes the miracles. both pam and i scooped up dirt, me a bagful to take home to my friends. there is an alcove there also with many shrines, some to those who have passed, many to the various saints. in that room also are the crutches, prosethic devices and other things left by those who have had miracles occur for them.

i had brought milagros with me for various friends and family and i found a statue of the virgin mary. i took each of the milagros and said a prayer for the person it was intended for, and then lay it at the foot of the statue. in santa fe, pam had found the only milagro (in a giant basket full of them) for eyes, and she left hers there as well for her mother, who will be having cataract surgery.

across the parking lot from the chapel sits another of the small food shrines i wanted to visit, LEONA'S. i had read about it on the internet, and leona herself was there. i had the posole, and hers was made with pork. both pam and i had a tamale burrito, which was the tamale wrapped up in a burrito and covered with sauce. once again, pam got something a bit too hot, but leona gave her some of this bread pudding stuff with whipped cream, which pam took with her. i had my picture taken, again, with the proprietor and the food was good.

when we left, i went over to the creek running behind the church and stepped into the water there and pulled up a couple of rocks to take with me. in a way, i think that too was healing for me, almost like a little baptism of sorts. the sun was out and it was cool and kind in the world and i was appreciative of the many gifts that had been given there to others, and was hopeful that i, too, would be gifted.

i was.


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