Taos...the adobe and pines b & b

after leaving chimayo, we wandered our way to taos. we went through TRUCHAS where they filmed the movie THE MILAGRO BEANFIELD WAR. when we got to taos, we got lost, and then finally found the b & b we were scheduled to stay in, THE ADOBE AND PINES. it was a 200 year old hacienda turned bed and breakfast, and it was pretty neat. the owners, louis and catherine, were very nice. louis is a former chef and they had owned the b & b for 7 months. each room had terry cloth robes for guests and this neat shampoo and lotion called DESERT BLENDS. it was homemade in taos, and it was so wonderful we went searching for it the next day to buy.
we settled in, pam got in the hammock and read her book, and i sat on the veranda in front of the room pouring over books and information on the area. we went out to dinner late at a hunan chinese restaurant, and the food was pretty good. pam took some good pictures of the inside of the room, which was painted in some interesting c

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